I really appreciate your interest in guest posting on BlogStash.com. It’s an honor for me to have any of you contribute to my little blog. I welcome anyone to guest post on BlogStash as long as you adhere by this guidelines:
- Article should be related to Online money making, SEO, Blogging, Affiliate marketing, Paid surveys and any other subject that has anything to do with making money online.
- Article should be at least 500+ words.
- I will only accept guest posts that are not generalized and are not a rehash of what already is out there. If you are going to write about making money online, give specific instruction, step by step guide with detail.
- Images make articles visually appealing and more interesting. If possible, add a related image to your article (if you don’t own copy right, be sure to give credit to the owner).
- To speed things up, please make sure you send the article in HTML format.
- Please do not submit articles that have been published elsewhere including on your own site. I only accept Unique articles.
- You agree to not publish the article anywhere else (at least until 1 month after it being published on BlogStash.com).
- You can add 1 link to your site, which should be placed in your Bio (About the author) (links must be somehow related to making money online, seo, blogging, etc.).
- I know most of us are short on time. But please promote the post in any way you can even if it’s just a simple tweet.
I have the right to reject any article. But, please dont take it personally. It’s just a matter of preferences. I am trying to keep BlogStash a quality site where visitors can find useful content they can actually benefit from.
If you are interested, please use Contact Me to send me an email, with the subject “guest post” along with your article. I will publish it on BlogStash if it meets the above requirements, as soon as I can. Either way, I will let you know if your article was accepted or rejected.
Please keep in mind, I can not reply to emails as fast as I would like to. I run 2 offline businesses and 3 online businesses, so I am short on time. I try to reply to guest post related emails once a week or so. Please be patient! I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks.