There are a lot of revenue sharing sites on the internet these days. These are sites that will share a percentage of their revenue earned from ads displayed on their pages with their members. There are photo revenues sharing sites, content revenue sharing sites and many more.
Revenue sharing sites are great for making extra money in your spare time. I have found one revenue sharing site that is very unique and very simple to earn money with. Its kind of close to get paid to search kind of sites, but it’s not exactly that. It’s a search directory revenue sharing site!
Rummage4Money is a search directory that has a revenue sharing program. Registration is 100% free. As a member you can add detail pages and links to your favorite web sites and blogs, which will display Google ad sense ads. R4M will share the earnings from those ads with you. The more people visit your pages and click on ads displayed on it, the more money you can earn.
Try Swagbucks, the famous rewards program that pays you for watching videos, taking surveys, shopping and more.
The great thing about R4M is that not only you can earn some money, but while you are doing that, you are giving your favorite website or blog a boost in search engine ranking and possibly some traffic. By adding a detail page about a website or blog and linking to it from R4M, you are helping that site build more backlinks, which is one of the most important things for a website or blog, when it comes to getting a better search engine ranking and generating more traffic.
Of course, its very unrealistic to think that you can earn a lot of money with However, you can earn some extra cash with this great search directory revenue sharing site.