When it comes to clipping coupons and making money with it, many people may think it simply means you can save money by using coupons. There is no doubt that you can save lots of money if you can be an organized coupon user, or like one of those extreme couponing people that are shown on TLC’s new hit reality TV show “Extreme Couponing“.
However, there is another way that you can actually make money clipping coupons. A lot of time you come across coupons that you may not need or want to use, you can turn those coupons to cash by selling them to other families who may need them.
Try Swagbucks, the famous rewards program that pays you for watching videos, taking surveys, shopping and more.
Here is a simple step by step guide that will show you how to make money with coupons:
1- Save as Many Coupons as You Can
To start making money with coupons, you must have coupons! Start gathering and saving coupons from any source possible. it could be your Sunday newspaper, a coupon inside of a magazine, coupons from grocery stores, coupons from coupon sites and so on. I think the best way is to use coupon sites online. It is easy to find them by category and you can quickly print them out.
2– Start Clipping Your Coupons
Time to get organized. Clip the coupons you have gathered and have them all stacked up neatly. Better yet, separate them by category; foods, clothing, tools, etc.
3- Take Picture of Your Coupons
Take a few good picture of each category of coupons you have stacked up, then upload your coupons pictures to your computer.
4- List Your Coupons for Sale
When it comes to mastering how to make money with coupons, listing is the most important part. You have a few options here. You could use classified websites like Craigslist and BackPage or use online auction sites like eBay.
Simply list your coupons, and don’t forget to add your pictures to your listing as well. Pictures are one of the best tools you have a s a seller to draw in more buyers, even for selling something like coupons.
If you have to only sign up for one paid survey site to make money with, I recommend Ipsos-iSay. Ipsos is the most fun and well-paying panel. Give it a try to see how you like it. It is free anyway!
You could either sell all of your coupons together or you could sell them based on their category. I think that would make them a bit easier to sell as it would make them more targeted.
5- Ship to the Winner
To make sure you gain a solid reputation with your buyers, ship the coupons to buyers address as soon as you get your money. Maybe even include a few extra coupons as a bonus and a thank you note to show your buyers that you do appreciate their business.
You won’t believe how little things like that can help your coupon selling business. People like nice people and they are likely to tell their friends and family about you. And before you know it, you have new buyers.
Lots of people may wonder why would they pay you to buy coupons from you when they can simply search and get them for free on their own. For that reason, it is best to remind people in your listing that what they are paying for is actually the time they will save by buying these coupons from you instead of having to spend hours and hours clipping coupons and organizing them neatly. So, basically they are paying you for your time and not for the actual coupons.
As you can see, making money with coupons is on of those easy ways to make money. Now, let’s be honest and not fool ourselves here, nobody is going to get rich selling coupons.
We all know that, but I think it is a great way to make some extra cash whenever you can. And honestly, these days, the way our economy is going, every dollar helps you stay afloat another day. So, start gathering and clipping coupons now that you know how to make money with coupons.