Making money online with no money is not that hard, but for some reason, lots of people are convinced that you have to have money or a website to make money. While having some investment money helps in making money with lots of different methods, there are many free ways to make money online without a website or money. This is one of them.
Our simple method of earning money without spending any money, and without having any website of our own, involves affiliate marketing. Don’t be afraid of the term affiliate marketing. It is not as hard as you think it is. It is a simple, yet very effective money-making method, used by many marketers.
Try Swagbucks, the famous rewards program that pays you for watching videos, taking surveys, shopping and more.
1- Register With An Affiliate Network
To start making money with no money, you need to find and register with a few reliable affiliate marketing networks. There are hundreds, if not thousands of affiliate marketing networks out there. But of course, not all of them are going to work for you.
Finding an affiliate marketing network that is reliable and worthy of your trust is crucial. Start by doing some research. Use forums such as WarriorForum to ask, and find out what affiliate networks other people are using with success. Here are a few of the most famous and trusted affiliate networks that I use my self – MaxBounty , AzoogleAds and ShareaSale.
2- Find An Email Or Zip Submit Offer
Now that you have registered with some affiliate networks, it’s time to find a product or an offer to promote. But you don’t want any kind of offer. You want offers that convert easy, and what convert easier than giving away free stuff!
There are some offers known as “email submit” and “zip submit” offers. These are offers that usually pay between $1 to $10 for each lead generated by you, and don’t require anything from your leads other than just an email address or a zip ode.
You will be given a special link that you can use to send people to the offer page. When someone clicks on that link, entering his or her email or zip cod, you earn commission. As I mentioned, the commission for these free offers can be anywhere from $1 to up to $10, and some rare cases even more.
3- Write A Few Articles
Write a couple of simple articles related to the offer you are promoting. Be creative! For example; if the offer is offering a chance to win a $1000 WalMart gift card to whomever enters an email address, you can write about WalMart, and how people can save a lot of money by shopping at WalMart.
Place you link at the bottom of the article where it will draw attention. Use attention grabbing text for your link, like “Click here to get your free $1000 WalMart gift card”. People love free things, and most people would love a $1000 gift card for giving out an email address. The more interesting and attractive your articles and text links are, the higher your click-through rate will be.
If you have to only sign up for one paid survey site to make money with, I recommend Ipsos-iSay. Ipsos is the most fun and well-paying panel. Give it a try to see how you like it. It is free anyway!
4- Publish Articles On Article Directories
Sign up for a couple of well-known article directories, such as Ezine and Article base. Now, all you have to do is submit your articles to these directories. Depending on each article directory’s policies, you may have to edit some parts of your article.
The reason for using article directories such as Ezine to have your article shown on the web is the fact that it eliminates the need for your own website, and more importantly, even if you had one, it would not be as effective. Sites like Ezine have a high authority amongst search engines, so your articles have a higher chance of being seen on the top ten search results for the relevant terms and keywords, which means more visitors will click on your affiliate link, and enter the required info. And that will allow you to earn more money.
5- Make Money
Little by little, you start to see leads converting, and your affiliate account growing and growing. I have used, and still use this method to make money with MaxBounty and many other networks.
If you do have a website, of course, you can publish articles with links to such offers on your own site. But remember, the articles have to be relevant to the over all theme of your site, so do the offers you are promoting.
Before you know it, it will be time to get your paycheck or PayPal payment from these networks. The more you write, and the more you promote, the more money you can make.
As you can see, making money without a website or money is not only possible, but it can also be very profitable. There are other ways to do this as well. There are also, believe it or not, many ways to make money with AdSense without a website. You just have to be creative, and think outside the box.
In the beginning, it may take you some time to learn all the tips and tricks, but as you go along, you will master the steps required and before you know it, you are having your article and links in front of thousands of potential leads.
Of course, you can always promote things that requires people to buy something instead of just entering an email address. Paid products often pay much higher, but they are also harder to convert. Free offers are much easier to promote, and have a better potential of converting. Following this simple strategy you can easily make money online with no money