How to make 100 dollars a day online, 1000 dollars a week, 40 bucks an hour? How to make 100 dollars fast?…
Such questions are becoming more common nowadays, especially since we are dealing with the biggest financial crisis since the great depression of 1920’s. Millions of people are out of job and so many of these people are turning to the Internet, hoping it can provide a way for them to make some quick cash.
Try Swagbucks, the famous rewards program that pays you for watching videos, taking surveys, shopping and more.
While, I can’t say for sure each and every person who reads this post is going to make x amount of money, I can tell you that if you really do this and commit to it, you will make money, I guaranty it. You just have to take action and do what’s required of you.
This method involves using one of the most used websites on the planet, When it comes to getting answers, Yahoo Answers is one of the most used resources for millions of people.
Whether it’s a space related question, a question on how to make a pie, or even a question on how to make a million dollars in a day, with thousands of unique visitors a day, YahooAnswers is a prime destination for anyone who is seeking answers to all kinds of questions.
We are going to use this method aiming at about $100 per day. But, you can set your own goals. You can go for $50 a day, $40 a day or 20 bucks a day. Whatever you like is fine.
The important thing is that you realize that you can use YahooAnswers to make money. Once you make your first dollar online, you can then scale it up and make your first hundred, then your first thousands and so on.
The more time and effort you put into this method, the more money you are going to make. It’s no easy money and there certainly is no short cut around it. If you want to make money with this method and in fact with any other method, you are going to invest something. And in most cases, and certainly in this case, it’s time, effort and commitment.
If you have to only sign up for one paid survey site to make money with, I recommend Ipsos-iSay. Ipsos is the most fun and well-paying panel. Give it a try to see how you like it. It is free anyway!
What sets making money with YahooAnswers apart is the fact that you do not need a website, experience, money or a product of your own to succeed, and you can start as soon as you want. In fact, you can start making money as soon as you read this article and find out how simple it is.
To harness the power of YahooAnswers and turn it into a money-making machine, you only need one thing: a product to sell! It doesn’t have to be your own product.
Affiliate marketing is the way to go when you don’t have any product of your own and don’t want to risk any investment. Don’t let the term “affiliate marketing” scare you away. Affiliate marketing is basically you selling somebody else’s product for a commission. It’s as simple as that. To get yourself ready and learn the basics of affiliate marketing, read this post.
With that said, here is how you can use affiliate marketing combined with YahooAnswers to make $100 a day:
1- Research & find a hot niche
Like any other business, in order to be successful and make money, you need to do some research. Start your research on YahooAnswers and spend a little time to find out what people are talking about and what subjects are hot. This is called “finding a niche“.
For example; weight loss is always one of the hot topic. So, if you choose weight loss as your market in which you are going to sell related products, then weight loss is your “niche”.
Since digital products (e-Book, downloads, etc) are way more popular and easier to sell, it’s a good idea to choose a niche that has digital products to market. Our weight loss example would be perfect because there are many diet and healthy recipe e-Books that you can sell as an affiliate.
2- Find a product to sell
Now that you know what kind of market you are going to sell product in, it’s time to find a product to sell. This step is simpler than the first. Using affiliate marketing networks such as ClickBank, finding products related to your niche is very simple.
Simply register for free and search their huge market place for products related to your niche. Which for our example would be a diet or a fitness e-Book or anything that can help someone to lose weight. Once you’ve chosen your product, you will be given a link with your affiliate ID embedded in it. The link points to the product’s sales page. Anytime someone clicks on it and buys the product, you get a commission for it. That is how you will make your 25, 50, 75, 100 or whatever dollar amounts you are going to aim for. Here is a list of top affiliate networks for beginners.
3- Answer related questionson YahooAnswers & make money
This is the hardest part. Your job is to simply find related questions on YahooAnswers and answer them with relevant information. Don’t forget to put your affiliate link in the box below the answer.
You may be asking how is this the hardest part?… Well, not many people will trust you and click on a link provided by you to buy the product, especially if your answer doesn’t come across as if it was given by a professional, some who knows what they are talking about.
So, it is important that you establish yourself as an authority on the subject and build a profile in the community for yourself. That is how successful affiliate marketers who make real money with YahooAnswers, and in fact in any other way, do it.
Spamming and answering like “Use this, it will help”, followed by your affiliate link, won’t get you too far. In fact, your account will be deleted pretty quickly.
Good answers will make people want to click on your link. Think about it, if I answered your question with “buy this product, it will help you” and another person responded to the same question by giving a detailed answer and covering everything while adding his or her link in it, which one are you most likely to trust and who’s link are you going to click on?…
That’s the whole point of establishing yourself as an authority and expert in the given topic.
4- Collect your money
This works! It has worked for me and it has been working for lots of other people. Think about it, even if you sell 3 products a day, with most ClickBank products paying around $35 commission), that’s $105 a day for working maybe an hour or so every day.
It might take you some time the first day to get going, but after that it comes down to spending an hour or so every day, answering questions on YahooAnswers and making your money.
Taking it a step further
Another thing you could do, if you want to take this a step further, is to build a simple website, and link to your site first, then from there direct people to the product’s sale page. This way, you could perhaps use a quick email capture form to build yourself a list of prospects who you know are interested in the topic. With that list at hand, you can keep selling quality products to them for a long time.
But that of course, takes a whole another level of commitment and hard work, not to mention it would take a few posts for me to explain the whole deal. For now, if you don’t know how to build lists yet, stick with the above method. But mean while, start reading and learning about list building so you can do that down the road.
The only thing left to do is… well, repeating this process and watching your affiliate account bring you more and more money.
Using this simple method, you can easily make a nice ongoing monthly income that will last as long as you are willing to repeat the above process. And that is a simple way anybody can use to make money with YahooAnswers as an affiliate marketer.