With the ever-increasing popularity of social bookmarking sites, it’s a good idea to get in the game early and try to harness the power of social bookmarking networks to drive quality targeted traffic to your website or blog.
As a beginner, it may seem like a difficult task, or you may think it’s not worth the efforts, but once you start the process, you will begin to realize why so many internet marketers are using social bookmarking networks as a source of growing their online business.
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Some of the most well-known and used social bookmarking sites are: Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Delicious and Mixx. These sites are basically built for people to share their favorite websites, blogs, article, video, audio, and any form of files, with their friends, family and the whole world.
But how do you as a blogger use this powerful source to increase targeted traffic to your site?… Here is How…
1- Bookmark Your Links
To increase your traffic, take advantage of the popularity of these social bookmarking sites by simply registering and bookmarking each and every one of your posts for others to see. Make social bookmarking a part of your daily blogging routine. Every time you publish a new post, open another browser and bookmark the link on couple of your favorite bookmarking sites. That will put your content in front of millions of people.
2- Submit To Correct Category
Making sure you submit your links to the correct category will give you better results. Bookmarking a post about weight loss in a business category isn’t gonna get you much traffic. Submitting your posts to the correct categories will put your content in front of people how are actually looking for such information, and so are more likely to click through and visit your blog.
3- Get Your Links Book Marked By Others
Another important point to keep in mind is that the more bookmarked you get on post, story or video, the better chances you will have for having that story being featured on the front page of its specific category. Take dig for example – The more people dig your post, the more traffic it will generate to your site. Of course, if you do write quality and useful content, your page will be bookmarked by others who found it to be useful and informative.
4- Don’t Get Banned
Before using any social bookmarking site, make sure you read and understand their rules and regulations. You do not want to lose such a great free source of targeted traffic that can single-handedly bring you more traffic than most other methods you might have tried before.
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Social bookmarking is a powerful and effective way for getting targeted traffic. Use it wisely, and you are sure to get unbelievable results in terms of receiving quality and targeted traffic to your site. And having quality targeted traffic on your site means you have the chance to make more money with your blog, whether it’s through AdSense, selling your own product, promoting affiliate products or whatever monetization method you use to monetize your blog.